Monday, October 17, 2011

Vegetable Juice Detox: Tips and Recipe Ideas

For juice fasting, it is not just fruits that you can juice. You can also consider juicing vegetables. A vegetable juice detox can help your body remove its toxic waste and its cleansing process.

Vegetables also contain an abundant sources of vitamins and minerals not found in other foods. In fact, if you find that you are not eating enough vegetables on a daily basis, you can also think about consuming vegetable drinks. In this manner, you will ensure that you do not give up on including phytochemicals for a balanced nutrition.

A vegetable juice detox allows your body to absorb quickly what you consume without activating your digestive system as it would if you eat the more fibrous vegetables. Your digestive system can then get to work on all the toxic waste that has been accumulating in your body.

Do bear in mind that a vegetable juice detox should not be carried out as an ongoing exercise. At best, you can only fast for up to a week. Surviving on a vegetable juice diet would not be able to give you all the nutrients you need for energy and health if you extend such a diet for more than it should.
Contrary to what you may assume, vegetable drinks can also taste delicious and are therefore very drinkable. Here are some vegetable juice detox recipes that are easy to prepare:

1. You can mix carrots, kale and wheat grass. Carrots are wonderful sources of beta-carotene and vitamin C.

2. Wheatgrass is an excellent vegetable drink. Another variety of a vegetable drink is to add spinach instead of wheat grass. Spinach is very good for your juicing diet because it is rich in folate, iron and Vitamin B.

3. Blend tomato, celery, parsley, broccoli and cucumber. Be sure that you get only the freshest tomato that is ripe by the time they are picked from the plant. If they are taken at this state, they contain twice the amount of Vitamin C.

4. You can also choose to season your carrot vegetable juice with some garlic, ginger and onion. This combination is something different for your taste buds but is still healthy and nutritious.

5. Add cucumber and celery in your carrot vegetable mix. Cucumber is another good source of Vitamin C that aids in the detoxification process of your body.

6. You can also consider mixing vegetables and fruits together to make delicious juice combinations. Simply add in an apple or a pear to any of the above recipes.

For juicing purposes, it is best to choose vegetables that are organic and free of pesticides. Also, discard all vegetables that do not look their best. Before juicing, wash and rinse the vegetables in filtered water.

You should drink your vegetable juices fresh every time. This means it is best that you juice just before consuming your drink. Alternatively, you can consider buy canning jars with perfect sealing lids for keeping in your refrigerator. Still, you must not keep your juices beyond three days. Do not forget to keep your lid jars tightly closed because air exposure can kill the beneficial enzymes in your vegetable drink.

Preparing vegetable drinks is one of the best ways that you can take them in their raw state. A vegetable juice detox need not be a bland affair. You can come up with some creative recipe ideas for juicing vegetables.

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