Showing posts with label Squash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Squash. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How To Plant a Three Sisters Garden - Sustainable Agriculture

How to plant a three sisters garden. Three sisters garden is sustainable agriculture through companion planting.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Canning Tomatoes & Okra / Zucchini 2of2

The most extensive and complete how-to can in a pressure cooker on You Tube...well...I think so at least. In this second of two videos, we will go from the r...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Harvesting and Canning 2012

We picked our corn and were blessed with 2 wheel barrel loads of corn and we have been blessed with tomatoes this year.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Canning and Sharing a Thick Salsa Recipe

I am in search of a salsa recipe that is thick. The one we used last year is good but just not very thick. I like a salsa that a chip can stand up in. Here i...

Everything you need to start canning at home and make delicious recipes for home canning:

Click here to visit At Home Canning For Beginners and Beyond.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Pressure Canning Squash East Texas Style

Summer squash is canned in a 7 Quart Presto cooker. See how a couple of dogs are used in the canning process, lol.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why Butternut Squash Hurts Your Hands

This blogger hopes to solve an age old Butternut Squash mystery. His finding show that sometimes direct experience is better than anything you can find on the Internet...

Many a gardener will grow butternut squash, and eagerly watch the fruits develop, counting the days, hoping they’re not ruined by an early frost. Then harvest time, and the gardener can’t wait. They take the squash inside and immediately start cutting it up, about 5 minutes later they’re aghast and trying to figure out why their hands are red and peeling and constricted. Water doesn’t help, “What is going on?” they cry.
I was cutting up a butternut squash this morning and my hands got hurt again, just a little bit though, because I was careful to touch exposed flesh as little as possible. It got me wondering about the technical details of why it happened. I knew the broad strokes, as they were, but as a bit of a science geek I wanted to know more. Unfortunately after going on the Internet I found nothing but incorrect information, even Wikipedia had it wrong. You had one forum where some guess made a hearsay guess, and then people cite this as fact, and all over the Internet from forums, to blogs, to Yahoo answers, the incorrect information is repeated.
Suffice it to say, I decided someone needed to put the correct information on the Internet.

Before I tell you why your hands get wounded like they were dipped in acid when handling butternut squash, let me tell you what is NOT the cause.


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