Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Canning Tips for Beginners - Canning is Easier than You Think

Many beginners have some largely irrational fears around the whole process of canning. Canning is really not that hard. If you follow some basic canning safety rules and guidelines, you can have a fun  pastime from which you can start reaping some very real benefits in short order!

Canning at home is something of a lost art these days, but just a few decades ago, nearly 'everybody's grandma' was doing it. Don't be afraid to make a few mistakes initially, that's how everybody learns. One of the most important things to do is to make sure the can lids seal properly as they cool down  after pressure cooking. It's fun to listen as the canning jars make that reassuring "Pop!" as they seal.

Getting Started Canning at Home

This video gives some great thoughts about why it is a good idea to get started canning at home - especially now. Most people are dependent on food from the grocery store these days. I remember my grandparents always had a large garden and a pantry full of fresh canned vegetables and meat. they never gave much thought about it, it was just the way things were. During the Great Depression,  any more rural families had farms, gardens and nearly everybody canned at home.

Some good inspirational tips are in the video as well. Many people buy canning supplies and get off to a decent start, but gradually lose interest. Suggestions are given as to the best food items and  recipes to begin with, as well as how to maximize the benefits of canning early on so that the initial excitement of canning is maintained and increased as one progresses in this time-honored skill.

Even if you live in the city and do not have a garden, canning is still a great idea. When you do  your own canning, you know exactly what goes into it. You can use your own recipes to suit your taste and health concerns. Starting with fresh produce, you can have a healthier and better-tasting end result, and possibly save a bit of money in the process. 

Don't be concerned about possible food shortages due to colder than normal weather or supply disruptions due to COVID-19. Get started canning and give yourself some peace of mind.