Showing posts with label rendering tallow beef fat frying in tallow seed oils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rendering tallow beef fat frying in tallow seed oils. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2023

7 Meals in Jars Canning Recipes Plus Rendering Tallow

These are some great meals in jars canning recipes with some good recommendations for healthy canning ingredients; non-GMO, gluten and seed oil free. Check these out if you are an on-the-go person. Also Rendering a big amount of beef fat into tallow is shown. Tallow is actually one of the healthiest oils to fry in so perhaps you will make some of your own.

How to Render Beef into Tallow and Why You Should Do It

Tallow is the name given to the rendered fat of beef or other ruminant animals, such as sheep. It is a nutrient-dense and versatile fat that can be used for cooking, skincare, candle making and more. Tallow has many health benefits, such as being high in saturated fats, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which is an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent. Tallow is also stable at high temperatures and has a rich flavor that enhances any dish.

Rendering beef into tallow is a simple process that involves melting the fat and separating it from the meat and other tissues. You can use any kind of beef fat for this purpose, but the best ones are suet (the fat around the kidneys) and brisket trimmings (the fat around the chest). Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Cut the beef fat into small pieces
The smaller the pieces, the faster they will render. You can use a sharp knife or a food processor to do this. Try to trim away as much meat as possible, as it will affect the flavor and quality of the tallow.

Step 2: Cook the beef fat over low heat
You can use a large saucepan, a crockpot or an oven for this step. The goal is to cook the fat slowly and gently, without burning or boiling it. You can add some water to prevent sticking and scorching. Stir occasionally and skim off any foam that rises to the surface.

Step 3: Strain the liquid fat
Once the fat has melted and the meat and other tissues have browned and shrunk, you can strain the liquid fat through a cheesecloth or a fine mesh sieve. Discard the solids or use them for other purposes, such as making cracklings or dog treats.

Step 4: Store the tallow
You can pour the liquid tallow into glass jars or metal containers and let it cool and harden. Tallow will keep for several months at room temperature, or longer in the fridge or freezer. You can also add some salt, herbs or spices to flavor your tallow.
Tips for rendering beef into tallow

 - Choose grass-fed beef fat for better quality and nutrition.
 - Cut the fat into uniform pieces for even rendering.
 - Use a low heat setting and avoid overheating or burning the fat.
 - Stir frequently and skim off any impurities.
 - Strain the tallow well to remove any bits of meat or tissue.
 - Store the tallow in a cool, dark and dry place.

Tallow is a traditional and healthy fat that you can easily make at home from beef fat. It has many uses and benefits that make it worth trying. Enjoy your homemade tallow!