Thursday, October 18, 2018

Roast Beef for Canning: How to Can Roasts

How to can roasts

It's easy to learn how to can roast but does involve some steps that will take time. You will need some quart jars, wide mouth is fine, for large pieces of roast beef or other fatty, tasty meat. Steak seasoning makes a good spice for canning roasts. The canning done in the video was done completely off grind using a propane cooker.

The All American 921 Canner was also used for a bigger batch. Real olive oil was used. Be careful if you want to buy olive oil, the best oil is not cheap... but will not contain additive oils.

This is the raw pack method for roast is used here for ease and speed, the hot pack method is also an option for canning meat. Don't worry about adding extra water or sauce with raw packing. The meat will provide it's own sauce when cooking.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Canning Cajun Soup Plus Canning Pickled Garlic

Canning Cajun Soup the tasty way. Remember the "Cajun Chef" - "Hoo-Whee, dat be goooood!"? Otherwise known as Justin Wilson, the Cajun Chef really knew how to throw together some tasty Cajun recipes with a dash of humor thrown in. This spicy Cajun Soup recipe for home canning follows the delicious tradition of Cajun Cooking. Ingredients include chicken, New Orleans Andouille Sausage, celery, carrots, and red onions.

A good method for canning pickled garlic is also demonstrated. If you haven't tried spicy pickled garlic you should give it a go. Pickled garlic packs a flavorful punch and goes well will bland foods and will surely tempt those who like a little adventure in eating.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Recipe - Family Recipe

Homemade spaghetti is something that few folks can resist and what makes the spaghetti good is the sauce! If you don't have a family recipe for spaghetti sauce, then this is a great one to "adopt". Watch as the sauce is made step-by-step and listen to an interesting story too.

Be sure to simmer the sauce while stirring often at first. Simmer the sauce at least 45 minutes. Simmering blends all the flavors and spices for that perfect homemade taste.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Canning Bacon in a 16 Quart Presto for Tasty Recipes

Canning bacon is a simple and easy process. How many of you still save your bacon grease for frying? Tastes good right? Fat is still a fairly controversial nutrition topic, but evidence is showing that fat is not the enemy. Animal fat in moderation is healthy fat, and food like eggs and bacon can provide slow burn energy for a long and busy day.
Canning bacon is a great idea. The jars will stay good a long time and you can use the bacon and grease in all kind of recipes and sauces to really add richness and flavor. I put a little in my homemade spaghetti sauce to give it that extra comfort food accent. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Pressure Canning Some Nice Venison Stew

One of the tastiest things you can is stew, it tastes great days or months after canning. Watch as a big batch of venison stew is canned by Carolyne from Carrots, potatoes, onions, and venison with a dash of salt is all you need for the basics of this recipe. About a level teaspoon added on top after all the other ingredients are added is sufficient. Add your favorite herbs and spices to taste.

Carolyne goes over some basics of pressure canning in a simple and easy to remember style. This is a great video to watch for beginner canners.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Pressure Canning Corn

Just a kinda quick video of me trying to pressure can corn. Its clear I am no expert. Tho I did have fun, and the corn looks great.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Canning Crushed Tomatoes | Water Bath

Canning Crushed Tomatoes | Water Bath
I tend to can more crushed tomatoes than tomato sauce as you need fewer tomatoes and the cook time isn't nearly as long. If I need to thicken them up for a recipe then I simply add a bit of paste. I do still can my own sauce, though. Just not as much as in the past. I hope you enjoy the video!
Water Bath Canner (affiliate link) -