Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Canning meat with the kids

Hey guys, just hanging out with the kids in the kitchen. We were learning more about taking care of ourselves, and preserving meat. Thanks for watching, and ...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How To Use A Pressure Canner

UPDATE: I'm excited to announce the release of my NEW Canning DVD: At Home Canning For Beginners & Beyond, sponsored by All American Canners. Support me with...

Pressure Canning Meat If you have ever eaten canned tuna or canned roast beef, you know that canned meat is a quick and easy way to get...

Monday, June 16, 2014

Canning meat

This short film was created as a how to guide for people who are interested in canning food specifically meat or chicken in a pressure canner.

Secrets Of Hot Water Bath Canning with Mrs Wranglerstar

Hot Water Bath Canning tips and tricks shown featuring Mrs Wranglerstar. Canning is a simple method to preserve food by processing the contents in a glass ja...

Meat Canning in Ontario

Every year, thousands of volunteers at locations across Canada and the USA come together to can turkey, beef, and pork for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)....

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pressure canning meat

Pressure canning sausage, beef and boneless chicken breast using the raw pack method. Pressure canning meat is very easy. Most people including myself have t...